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Do you have The #1 Cause of Age-Related Illness (and not even know it)…?

12 Sep 2024

Do you have The #1 Cause of Age-Related Illness (and not even know it)…?

The #1 cause of age-related illness is poor metabolic health, known as metabolic syndrome or MetS for short.

MetS is a combination of health conditions that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes, cancers and dementia, and it is thought to affect at least 1 in 4 adults in the UK.

The prevalence of MetS increases with age. Figures show that >43% of individuals over the age of 45 have MetS, rising to >59% of over 55’s.

So what is MetS? Why should you be concerned? How do you know if you're at risk? And what can you do about it?

Let's dive in......


Metabolic Syndrome (MetS)

In the UK, the NHS uses the following 5 criteria to diagnose metabolic syndrome:

1. Waist circumference: For men, a waist circumference of >102 cm, and for women, a waist circumference of >88 cm.

2. Triglycerides: A level of >150 mg/dL

3. HDL cholesterol: A level of <40 mg/dL for men and <50 mg/dL for women

4. Blood pressure: A systolic pressure of >130 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure of >85 mm Hg

5. Fasting plasma glucose: A level of >110 mg/dL or more

A person is diagnosed as having MetS if they present with any 3 of these 5 criteria above.


Health Risks Associated with MetS

• Type 2 diabetes and complications

       • Life expectancy is reduced by an average of 10 years in diabetics

• Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

• Loss of memory and cognition, including dementia

• Depression

• Increased cancer risk

• Atherosclerosis leading to heart attack and stroke


Common symptoms that could suggest MetS

Here are some other "red flags" of metabolic dysfunction that may sound familiar to you:

- Large protruding belly, and/or belly fat that won’t go away

- Feeling sleepy after meals, mid-morning/afternoon energy slumps

- Feeling “Hangry” or shaky if you don’t eat every 3-5 hours

- Poor wound healing, low immunity

- Lack of muscle mass in arms and legs

- Mood swings/ low mood

- Skin tags

You may be surprised to find that you have some of these metabolic "red flags" as these are all very common conditions that have been somewhat normalised.

These health issues tend to be addressed as independent conditions in standard medical care. But they are not independent conditions. At their core, these conditions are all symptoms of metabolic dysfunction, which is the root cause driver.

In my practice I have a strong suspicion that someone over the age of 40 years is metabolically unsound based on 4 main criteria:

1. Elevated waist circumference (waist measurement greater than hips)

2. Elevating blood pressure

3. Not eating adequate protein 

4. Not regularly strength training

When a client presents to me with 3 or 4 of these criteria, I always ensure that we engage with their GP for further investigations into MetS risk factors, often including a request for liver enzymes, and CRP as a marker of inflammation too.


I suspect I have MetS what should I do?

The good news? Your metabolic health is almost completely reliant on your lifestyle habits. Which puts you completely in control of reversing the problem.

Firstly, I always recommend to know your numbers. Contact your GP and ask for blood tests for cholesterol, including triglycerides, have your waist/hip measurements done, have your blood pressure checked, and ask for a fasting plasma glucose (you may be offered a serum HbA1c test instead).

If you would like to work with a qualified nutrition professional who specialises in metabolic health then contact me. I offer an introductory Metabolic Restore Programme.

This programme full analysis of your blood results and 3 x 1 hour consultations during which I share with you the key components that you need to address to optimise YOUR metabolic health, including:-

- How it's MetS is reversible

- What steps you can take IMMEDIATELY to begin turning the ship around

- What insulin, leptin, and muscle have got to do with metabolic health

- How it's not all about your sugar intake

- And it's not all about fat mass, but more importantly muscle mass

- Specific lifestyle strategies to begin improving things immediately – tailored to YOU

- How and where to start

- Understanding the impact of stress on your metabolism

This programme is currently available for new clients for £450.

Click here to book your free 30-minute, no-obligation, chat with me to review your health goals and discuss how I can help.

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