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Hi, I'm Sarah,

a UK-regulated Nutritional Therapist, certified Health Coach, and asker of many questions! I’m passionate about good nutrition and using the power of real food to restore your optimal health. I'm dedicated to supporting you to think differently about what you eat, understand how to feed your body, and how to make lasting changes so you can enjoy vibrant health in every decade of life. I have a special interest in hormones, gut health and metabolic health and how these critical systems of the body are connected to ageing healthily.

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Why Personal Nutrition?

We are each unique. Our health is formed from a complex blend of our genetics plus external factors, including the food we eat, our lifestyles, and our environment. The more our years advance the more we are exposed to factors that can disrupt the balance of our health. This can leave us feeling less than our best, or struggling with ongoing, and often complex, health challenges.

In my evidence-based approach to personalised nutritional therapy, we first talk about what is important for you in terms of your health. What do you want to be different? How do you want to feel? What would you be able to get out of life if you felt back to your best?

Then, through in-depth consultation and symptoms analysis, I establish potential root causes for your health challenges and identify your nutritional needs. This is all combined together to form your unique roadmap to better health, Your easy to follow, step-by-step plan features recommended foods, meal ideas, recipes, plus supplements and testing recommendations where appropriate. And, you receive ongoing one-to-one coaching and support throughout to help you banish unhelpful and unwanted habits and form new, healthy, sustainable habits for life.

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Is Nutritional Therapy right for me?

Are you frustrated that your stubborn spare tyre won’t shift, or your latest diet has just flopped, or maybe you’re fed up with feeling tired all the time? Perhaps you’re dealing with a long-term health condition or have just been newly diagnosed and you’re wondering what you can do?

Have you been burying your head in the sand and ignoring persistent symptoms (which you know is your body trying to tell you something!) such as feeling ‘hangry’ between meals, bloating, indigestion, constipation, persistent aches and pains, or poor sleep? You could be struggling to gain weight, or lack muscle and strength, or feel that everything you eat triggers unwanted symptoms. Or, like me, you could be experiencing the challenges of changing hormone levels.

Whether you’re looking to boost your wellness, address a specific ongoing health concern, or recover from ill-health, my one-to-one tailored nutrition programmes can support you with easy-to-follow recommendations and actionable steps that enable you to meet your health goals.

You don’t have to go on a ‘diet’, count calories, or weigh your food. And there are no ‘bad’ foods - you just have to eat what’s right for you. Then you can eat plenty of it so that you’re satisfied, you enjoy your food, and you’re never hungry. No willpower required!

I’m here to help you regain the vibrant health you deserve.

Book a FREE 30-minute health review with me to find out more.

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It's all about you...

I have lost a stone in weight, several inches from around my waist, and have kept it off...

I sought help from Sarah as I wanted to lose a bit of stubborn weight from around my middle. I was also worried about my osteoporosis risk having been diagnosed with osteopenia. Thanks to Sarah’s fantastic support and tasty meal recommendations I have lost a stone in weight, several inches from around my waist, and have kept it off really easily – all whilst eating delicious food and never feeling hungry! I feel really positive about maintaining my bone health now knowing I’m feeding my body the right foods. And, as a bonus I’ve got tons more energy to get outdoors and enjoy life. The only downside? Having to purchase a whole new wardrobe of clothes as they are now all far too big!

- Linda M

I've shed the stubborn weight, balanced my hormones, and now feel leaner and more energetic!

As a triathlete I couldn't understand why my weight was increasing. Menopause also seemed to be adding inches around my tummy. We covered food choices, psychology, science, supplements, exercise, food timings and health management. Over 12-weeks working with Sarah I've shed the stubborn weight, balanced my hormones, and now feel leaner and more energetic - perfect for enjoying training in the spring sunshine! Sarah's support throughout was endless and she doesn't charge enough!

- Michaela R

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